
Contact Pete

Please use this contact page if you want to give words of encouragement, or if you read a post and you wish to correct a mistake I intentionally made, or if you have a small fortune of Bitcoin and Ethereum that you need to transfer to me. I am truly grateful for the love!


However, I ask that you please don’t send me spam. It is really, really discouraging. I get a number of winning emails asking me to register in order to claim my $500 gift card to Costco, Sam’s Club, Etsy, etc. I still haven’t won, but I’m no quitter. Anyway, if you’re just looking for another contact to spam, don’t even bother. Thank you.

Connect with Me!


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You really are SUPER awesome and thanks for joining the squad! Hang tight for more info on what's new at Pete's Text.

Get P-T in your L-I-F-E!

This is where you become part of the Pete's Text community where there are contests, giveaways, and other fun things for you to enjoy! Get more P-T in your life!

You really are SUPER awesome and thanks for joining the squad! Hang tight for more info on what's new at Pete's Text.

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